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About Us

The Consortium for Medically Necessary Oral Health Coverage undertakes educational, community-building, and advocacy efforts to expand access to medically necessary oral health care. Our members include more than 240 leading dental, medical, and nursing groups, patient and consumer advocates, and care delivery providers who are guided by documented evidence that medically necessary treatment of oral microbial infections is essential to combatting and preventing a wide range of costly chronic conditions.


We are motivated by the knowledge that the lack of medically necessary oral and dental coverage has precluded, delayed, and jeopardized the delivery of covered medical treatments, heightening the risk of costly medical complications and increasing the financial burden on Medicare, beneficiaries, and taxpayers.

"Oral health is integral to general health.
You cannot be healthy without oral health.”

U.S. Surgeon General, Oral Health in America, 2000

Our Mission

Our Mission

Given the significant potential to improve health outcomes and reduce program costs, we are dedicated to extending evidence-based medically necessary coverage to all Medicare beneficiaries. 

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Consortium for Medically Necessary Oral Health Coverage

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© 2023 by The Consortium for Medically Necessary Oral Health Coverage

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